Obtaining financing on a new or existing home can be a stress-free, straight-forward process if you’re prepared. But if you’re not prepared, there are many common mistakes you can make. Most of these mistakes are easily avoidable with some preparation and informed advice – feel free to call or email with any questions/concerns! Below are the Top 5 Mortgage Mistakes people make when trying to secure financing for their home:
1. Failing to choose the best product for your situation And although choice is great, it can be quite overwhelming without expert advice. While one person would benefit from a variable-rate product, their neighbour may be better suited to a fixed-rate product. The key is to always explain your current situation and future goals in detail so we can select a product that best meets those needs. 2. Automatically renewing with your existing lender |
important to always shop the market for your best available option, much like you did when securing your first mortgage. This ensures you end up with the best mortgage rate and terms customized to your unique situation. In many cases your bank will offer you the posted rate in hopes that you’ll simply sign and return the commitment without shopping around. Make sure you do your due diligence when refinancing and renewing. After all, this is your home, your mortgage and your money! 3. Signing documents without reading them 4. Taking your credit to the limit 5. Failing to plan ahead Understanding how the mortgage process works and how lenders qualify your loan will help you avoid the above mistakes. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, clarification is just a phone call or email away! |
5 Common Mortgage Mistakes
General Katie Hommy 10 Apr